Contribute to Grow This Movement

An Opportunity to Invest

The CCBF is on a mission to help all Canadian Christian business owners and workplace leaders, profit and non-profit, regardless of gender or background, to grow spiritually and become more successful through the application of God’s Word in the workplace.

IMAGINE Business and Workplace Leaders. . .

  • Living out their faith boldly by inviting God into their workplaces
  • Authentically connecting and sharing their journey with other leaders
  • Building more value through meeting needs and improving our communities

Our Dream. . .

  • A movement of hundreds of BIZ Groups comprised of 4-8 leaders meeting monthly in cities, churches, campuses and companies across Canada
  • Each BIZ Group exploring ways to apply Biblical Leadership Principles to their respective workplaces
  • BIZ Groups that encourage and support each other through the complexities and opportunities that arise in workplaces
  • Transformation happening through thriving and successful businesses that bring positive change to our communities by living out God’s Word

Invitation to Contribute. . .

  • Your generous donation can support and grow this movement and make a significant impact across Canada.

Donate to us and receive an official Registered Charity receipt.

Please Note: Charity Donations are not eligible for Member Benefits.

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