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Locally and online we study the Bible and discuss how to apply its wisdom in our daily lives and work. Our goal is to become leaders who impact our world in a positive way.
Our purpose is to connect and grow together. Along the way we build relationships that can last a lifetime. A wonderful side-benefit of strong relationships with people of integrity is often a stronger and more profitable business!
Human beings regularly mess things up and get stuck in a morass. But God loves us and sent Jesus to let us know he is serious about loving us. Jesus is our way back to God.
If we want to know what God is like, we need only look to Jesus.
A Christian is a person who believes in God and follows Jesus as their sin-forgiver and life-leader.
Boundaries are an essential component of identity. For example when a Mom says ‘no’ to her child, the child comes to realize that Mom is a separate person with ideas of her own. Clear parental boundaries are one of the ways a child comes to understand who they are and what their life is all about.
The term “Christian” is never intended to exclude or discriminate.
Becoming a Christian is a choice freely made by an individual person who decides follow Jesus as their sin-forgiver and life-leader. It is natural for a Christian’s identity to be shaped through the choices they make each day as they follow Jesus.
To someone who does not understand or share Christian beliefs, “Christian” may come to be perceived as a boundary or wall, more than a path. The Christian has chosen to follow a “road less travelled”. It is natural their path will diverge from a person who is making a different set of choices. As any two paths diverge, it can get harder to hear and communicate across the distance. Misunderstandings occur. People simplify what they don’t understand, and stereotypes and labels get applied. Some days it can feel like we live on different planets!
We hope people can keep in mind that in every wall there is a door that is always open. They can change their direction at any time. They don’t a ticket. They don’t need a passport. They don’t need to tidy up their life or prove their worth to make a shift. They simply need to note they’re not perfect, pray for forgiveness, accept the grace God offers, and move toward him instead of away.
There can be no argument that Christians have made a ton of mistakes throughout history. These are inexcusable and must be atoned for. But we make mistakes because we are human, not because we are Christian. Every one of us needs God’s grace and forgiveness every day.
No. People of all faiths or no faith are welcome.
No. But if you receive value, becoming a member makes sense and allows us to reach and serve more people.
We offer different levels of membership that reflect different sizes of business.
A leader is any person who solves problems using their strengths in order to love and serve other people. Our vision at CCBF is to help all members become “servant leaders”.
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